Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Compulsive Listmaker

We are currently in Week 3 and I am starting to feel the pressure once again. There is one solution for this stress- LISTS!

Making lists of all I need to do for the week not only helps me to calm down (yes I know) but it allows me to see completely what needs to be done and just how much work I have to do. I have gone back to Wunderlist to list-ify my life once again. Its easy to use, I can get the app on my phone, set reminders, mark important deadlines (even recurring ones), make sub-lists, create links, and add files. It has everything I need to manage my lists, and lists of lists, and lists of lists of lists (they do exist).

Making lists of all the things I need to do for class this week. 

When I create my lists, I also add things that I've already completed, just for the satisfaction of ticking it off I guess.

Its great for planning assignments because you can upload document of the assignment question, add another with your notes if you want to, and store links from resources you found online. You can add other people to a specific list as well so it also works for group assignments.

Now that I've made my list and checked it twice I can go through it and complete all the tasks. So I'm off.

See you around campus...